Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Any advice?

i lik2boys. david v. %26amp;zack j.. zack is new this year. hes11. he got put back in2 my grade(5th). i hav known david scence 2nd.we were bffs. he got mad when i said i didnt want2be his gf so he wont was weard when we were friends but as my fav singer says(hilary duff) u nevr know just what u got till its gone u freak out. and i want him back so bad but every1 says 2go4zack. i do like zack 2but i'd rather be with david. what should i do.

oh, i sciped something-david is still mad at me (a bit). so his mom is bffs with davids %26amp; my friend haley. he asked her 2be his gf just2 make me mad(he knows what makes me twich).on the insid hes doing it so i will talk with him. does he love me??? pleaz answer|||oh ana.......u r soooooo hilarious! i love your subject ! who knew?well...........I DID! zach is stupid ......get over him.david,well,i know your story,(even though i hate david)|||david is my type, totaly:)

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|||you should concentrate on your grades. not boys. and you should learn about internet safety too.

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