Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Question 2 Why are Chelsea fans so unhappy with Manchester City bidding for John Terry?

On every forum the big talking point is John Terry and the bid Manchester City have made for him and the wages he will be offered.

depending on who you listen to he will be offered anywhere between 200 thousand BPS or 300 BPS for his weekly wage.

Among the various age groups opinions differ greatly but they say Manchester City throwing their money around and trying to bully teams into selling players. Younger Chelsea fans especially on here are very vocal in the way they criticise Manchester City for trying to better their team.They say Manchester City have to throw money at players and John Terry will never leave Chelsea. and bullies like Manchester City cannot get every player they want just by offering huge transfer fees and paying huge wages. Is this true? and is this correct?

its strange but among the older Chelsea fans opinions differ greatly from the younger ones. They say Manchester City are just doing what Chelsea did five years ago. and they should not complain ASA what Manchester City are doing is no different than Chelsea and other big premier league clubs. Is this true?

I have looked at Chelsea and what happened when Roman Abramovich became the owner of Chelsea. His manager at the time Claudio Ranieri and following manager Jose Mourinho purchased players like Damian Duff from a club that did not want to sell as he was their star player Blackburn Rovers 17 to 18 million BPS they then purchase Robben in the same position and then raid Manchester City for their star player for 21 million BPS and add to that Didier Drogba club could not refuse the huge offer for the player. Michael Essien again Club did not want to sell but huge bid and the club had no choice.

Are the older or younger Chelsea fans right? is it not pot and kettle proverb?

John Terry it was reported said he never wanted to leave Chelsea. after bid was placed in January but reports of this bid did not come out until April -May time and it was Chelsea who reported this bid. Why report it if both club and player had said no months earlier? why has John Terry not come out and said he does not want to leave with this latest bid? reports he cancelled charity event to talk with parties about this bid. Chelsea have seemed very weak in their rebuttal of this latest bid. and why make it so public.

Is it the player trying to get better contract out of Chelsea?

Or Club trying to drive up bid?

Or Terry is tempted by offer and huge wage on offer?

One forum i was on Chelsea fans were critical of what has happened with Club since Jose Mourinho was fired in that no real money has been spent on refreshing the team or seeing that it was just short of winning The Champions League buying the missing parts in players like Mourinho last bid for a player David Villa. these fans feel Chelsea have been just going threw the motions with a team that is strong but getting a bit long in the tooth with average age of the squad being 29.

Are they right? and does Chelsea need to be upgraded with a younger core to the team?

Are Chelsea just feeling what it was like for other teams when Chelsea the team with vast amounts of money came a calling?

Do you feel this whole Terry saga seems very orchestrated by either the player or the Club or both?

Let me have your views i am sorry it is so long but there is just so much to this story.

XXX Ty all|||You know more than you pretend to sometimes..

dR bad

its a bit rich if Chelsea of all teams are complaining about City's funds...

it's TERRY's fault.. he is just trying to push the new manager into a corner.. ensuring that his is kept as Captain...trust me.. he doesn't want to go.. and could end it anytime...|||Lol - "Manchester City are just doing what Chelsea did five years ago.." - well yeah!

And remember, even with the massive spending spree of Abramovich - they still failed to win the Champions League.

:)|||He wont leave, he is chelsea's captain, he belongs here

he just cannot go to another club|||Until the rules change, City have every right to bid for any player they wish, and offer whatever money they see appropriate. They're working well within the rules and that's all there is to it.|||wow you have really been swattin up on all the football news, (i like this). i am a young supporter of man utd, i believe that the older supporters are right that city are flashing the cash much like chelsea did, i do not believe this is wrong at all, if you have the money then you will want the best players possible to do the best you possibly can. And if chelsea say they don't want to sell, and will not sell at any price then they should reject a very high offer or terry should reject a very high wage. if either or both accept lots of money, this shows they are motivated by the money.|||Although City aren't exactly doing anything wrong, in the sense that we have offered another club money for one of their players, something that has gone on since the dawn of football transfers regardless of whether they are for sale or not, the point is the offer has been refused, twice.

It's not only Chelsea fans up in arms many Manchester City supporters are too.

It's not that we don't want Terry, far from it, but we don't wat to ruffle anyone's feathers. Garry Cook should just give up the pursuit of Terry and look for another player we could realistically get.

It's not as if Chelsea NEED money either.

For many years Manchester City had to suffer richer clubs bidding for our players, even when they were NOT for sale, but the lure of higher wages was too much for them to turn down, even when clubs were lower than us in the table, as for many years City were skint.

It is sort of ironic that City have turned the tables but i just feel that this is not the way forward for our club when dealing with other clubs over transfers. If we p!ss too many clubs off no-one will want to deal with us, no matter how much we offer.|||no club likes it when a club is after their best players. its the name of the game now and they have to get used to it just like us fans.|||they stuck in a time warp,they can't except that changes are needed with all the playing staff,if they change they know that it will take another century before they even make an attempt to win the title

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