Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I've got to create a Teen Fashion Magazine for my class, what should I call it? HELP?!?

I've got to create a teen fashion magazine for one of my classes in school, I am having troubles coming up with a name for it. It has to be catchy, happy, and original. Can anyone help me please?


I have some celebrities to put in it can you think of any others?. So far I have...for females

- Avril Lavinge

-Jennifer Lopez

-Bethany Hamilton (She lost her arm in a shark attack while surfing)

-Reba McIntrye

-Amanda Bynes


-Victoria Beckham

-Gwen Stefani

-The Olsen Twins

-Miley Cyrus

-Paris Hilton

-Hilary Duff

-Mandy Moore

-Jessica Simpson

And for the guys I have...

-Kayne West

-David Beckham

-Johnny Depp

-Sidney Crosby

If you can think of any other celebrities/athletes then please let me know...Thanks in advance for the help.|||It looks like it will be sort of like People magazine. You could call it "The Brave and The Beautiful" or "Daring and Dreamy" or "Celebrity Craziness (or another C word)"|||for some random answer..

I just thought of.. PING ..

like just on the top of the magazine like how dolly is written.. insted of dolly.. PING|||Chic!


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