Saturday, November 12, 2011

Do you think David Bowie ever will work with Lady Gaga?

Well, since the latest rumours have been reported a hoax, it made me think.

Do you think David Bowie ever will do a collaboration with her?

Personally, I hope he never sinks that low.

But some people have said that they wished the rumours were true.

I think if he ever did, it would vastly improve her album, but, I also don't think it would go down too well with his fans.

I don't think he ever will. They are just too different.

Their music is utterly different, no question about that.

Not even their 'style' is the same - apart from the aspects that she copied from the stardust years.

Bowie has said that when his daughter plays CDs such as Hilary Duff and he left the room, and, well, honestly, music wise, Hilary Duff and Lady Gaga, aren't all that different.

I used to listen to Hilary Duff. Lets not go there. I was young and stupid.

So yeah, this is just my opinion, so don't get annoyed.

What do you think, will there ever be a collaboration?|||No, he's too classy. Gaga is a passing phase. In ten years, people will have forgotten her. Bowie's music will still be played in 2525 (if man is still alive)|||No, I don't think so. This kind of collaboration can only make better the professional career of Lady Gaga, but probably it would affect the reputation of David Bowie. He could collaborate with much better musicians than her.|||hello Dave

let's just say Lady GAGA is just another 15 minutes fame trend. Period. it's pop-mainstream.

will Bowie collaborate with Lady Gaga ...I don't know only future will tell. Hopefully he is not going to low himself to her level.|||I certainly hope not!! Gaga is a trashy drag queen whose 5 minutes in the limelight will probably soon be over... David Bowie is a legend who hopefully will never sink so low|||He sang backing vocals on Scarlett Johansson's album, so I wouldn't be surprised if he collaborated with Lady Gaga.|||i sure hope not, thats like the most popular dude in the world hanging out with scum|||I'd be appalled if he does in fact collaborate with Gaga but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. Many people regard her as the next Madonna and that she's extremely talented and whatever so it doesn't sound to me all that unbelievable. Sure Bowie's music style is different, but that may be exactly why it will happen. It will excite people and arouse the curiosity at the very least. I guarantee a Bowie/Gaga single would generate millions of dollars around the world. It would be an absolute travesty and a crime against humanity, but if it brings in the green then why not?

I disagree with you on one point, and that is that Lady Gaga and Hilary Duff are nothing alike music-wise... Hilary is more of a one-dimensional bubblegum pop ballad crooner whereas Gaga's material is more beat-driven, dancey, complex and artistic. I can see/hear Bowie collaborating with her alot more clearly than I can with the Duffmeister.

Again, I'll make clear that if a duet like this does occur, I will be one of the many many people shaking my head in dismay at how on Earth this happened. But when you think about it, it's really not that absurd of an idea.|||Never and I'll tell you why , Freddie Mercury came to David to ask him to produce the first Queen album in 1972 and David declined . Freddie Mercury !

I'm sure as hell that he won't ever consider having any kind of collaboration with Lady Gaga

Yeah I read that too , he does dislike his daughter's music taste lol

he also said that his daughter likes I Took A Trip on A Gemini Spacecraft though , which is cool

oh yeah here's the story behind David doing "oohs" and "aahs" on Scarlett's album consisting of Tom Waits covers鈥?/a>

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