Saturday, November 12, 2011

Guys: if a girl gave you this, what would you think????? ?

ok so i wrote this note to give to the guy i like for christmas, im thinking about putting it in his locker.... guys: what do you think of this? you can give suggestions on what to change or just tell me that you like it or that you hate it.....


This is probably surprising. No wait, it’d better be surprising, that’s what I wanted. Im not going to procrastinate anymore, I like you, a lot. Ok, now if that doesn't surprise you nothing I do will. I think you’re gorgeous, sweet, funny and very lovable, and im tired of you not knowing how I feel. So now you know. You could do one of two things; like me back, or laugh in my face. I’ve been laughed at before and im not going to be an immature baby and cry about it if that’s what you choose to do. I’m going to think of it as your loss, because that’s what it’d be. So if you don’t like me just be honest, it’s so much better than leading me on, but if by chance you do like me back then tell me before I go nuts.


(PS) I thought that just giving you this note would be stupid, so I put together this Cd of songs that remind me of you. My favorite is the first song and the last one, crush by david archuleta and with love by Hillary duff.

|||Good idea, except leave out everything after (but not including) "You could do one of two things; like me back, or laugh in my face" And put in something a bit more positive to finish it.

The CD thing would be kinda freaky, don't put that in.

But apart from that yeah, you even had me going there - so whoever Alec is, he'll be going after you.|||That is so sweet !!!!! , He will totally notice you, Im sure about that, Because No girl would do that unless if she is confident about herself and looks, and guys like confident girls !!!! From the way the letter sounds you seem so Nice and sweet and Down to earth, Im sure he will like you and ask you out !!!

Good luck :)|||wtf does procrastinate mean?!! lol, maybe use another word he will know but stick with tht word if he knows it :P

If a girl did that for me i would be so chuffed x) i think you should do that but leave the CD thing out of the picture for now.|||Ok....the note is great. You are strong by just putting yourself out there, but I honestly think that the CD is a little much. Don't give him the CD, thats kinda crazy.|||note yes drop the ps and the cd you will come across as a stalker not good. Good luck|||i think it is rele sweet.. and i dont understand your question?! obviously he REALLLLLLLY likes u and he wants 2 know how you feel. tell him if you lyk him or not, but he wants you 2 tell him soon..|||Lmao are you the same person who made that lame CD??


You're very strange|||I know i'm not a guy but i'd say that the note is a good idea but the CD is a bit too much|||not gonna lie the whole thing is mad weird. don't do any of it. |||the cd is way to much! your kewl with just he note!|||Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............i think i like her too.|||Its a really nice well written note, but I have to say that the CD sounds a bit excessive. |||oh wow, babies aren't the only people in the whole world that cry! And you make it sound like he has no other choice but to love you or look like a complete jerk! |||ITS GD I WUD REPLY|||this note is soooooooooo touching u should give it to him|||The note needs some tweaking, instead of saying his choices are to like you or laugh in your face, is a bit too much. He's not going to automatically like you from reading this note. So you should instead say, "Hang out with me over christmas break so we can get to know each other better". And instead of going on and on about how if he doesn't like you, it's his loss. Cut that whole thing and instead say that, if after gettting to know each other. If we don't really mesh, that's fine. Because I'll respect you for giving me a chance. I also hope that if we don't make it as a couple, we can still be friends, because you are a really cool guy.

In a nut shell, he has to get to know you better before he likes you. If you basicly say "I confessed, it's now or never" you're just going to scare him off.

Rethink the cd idea, that's coming on a little too strong.|||im not a guy but personally i think u will be making an *** out of yourself especially the whole cd thing. just ask teh kid to hang out with u sometime just real casual with some other friends so it wont be weird for either of u. this idea u have is really bad i think and could make him really uncomfortable. i dont suggest it but i do suggest u just try to hang out it wont be hard for him to see u like him flirt with him a little and touch him like grab him by the arm or something keep it casual and fun.|||a guys point of view............jess............what your about to read may seem a little crude but this is what i seen in your writings................. first of all you sound desperate to get with this would mske me think what you would do to be with me...then your note shows a little scarcasm..."its your loss?" that is a turn would make me feel that you don't care one way or the other...a take it or leave it kind of thing...then your showing this guy that your insecure..."if you don't like me just be honest its so much better than leading me on...if you haven't talked to him before then hes not leading you anywhere... your throwing so many mixed signals out here...try this...walk up to this guy and introduce yourself and ask him if he would care to meet you after school or have lunch with him...its innocent, and there are no strings attached for either of you...don't worry about telling him all this garbage...just get to know him...after all he may be a real pig...if there is an interrest here for both of you then you will see it...if not then you can go on your way and theres no harm done...jess, never put your feelings on a piece of paper like that, especially to a person you don't even don't know what that person is going to think of you after they read it...communication is the key...face to face that is...and remember guy is worth shaming yourself for in any way no matter how georgeous,sweet, funny and loveable they are...don't ever give yourself to someone, emotionally that is, unless they earn it...and 1 final thing...guys are really pigs, i know i am 1 (lol) and they would do and say anything to do the whatever they can to you, if you know what i kind...and i wish you love...|||Hey Jess, that's a very sweet letter u've written...very sweet and at the same point some definite statements....I am guessing u have finalized the letter after much thought.....I am a girl I cant really tell how ur guy might react...but really its very nice ...just in case he rejects ur proposal as u have said its "really" his loss....I hope he says he's in love with u

Good Luck!! %26lt;3

PS: U can omit the CD...|||alec,

This is probably surprising. No wait, it’d better be surprising, that’s what I wanted. I'm not going to procrastinate anymore, I like you, a lot. Ok, now if that doesn't surprise you nothing I do will. I think you’re gorgeous, sweet, funny and very lovable, and i'm tired of you not knowing how I feel. So now you know. You could do one of two things; like me back, or laugh in my face. I’ve been laughed at before and im not going to be an immature baby and cry about it if that’s what you choose to do. So if you don’t like me just be honest, it’s so much better than leading me on, but if by chance you do like me back then tell me before I go nuts.


(PS) I thought that just giving you this note would be stupid, so I put together this Cd of songs that remind me of you. My favorite is the first song and the last one, crush by david archuleta and with love by Hillary duff.

that itll be your loss makes you sound like your better than him... dont do that

other than that your good to go!

best of luck|||I'm A GUY give the note 2 him, but change it a little bit, your coming on 2 strong and also u sound like u think he might not want 2 go out with you, and u hsould act like u have high self esteem, I mean us guys get nervous a little bt 2 no matter how many compliments we get....

But jsut make it a little more simple, it doens't have 2 be this short-

like I have feelings 4 u and wanted 2 know if u did towards me ebcuase I like u a lot and wanted 2 know if u had nay toward me. Just say that don't sound like u will be dissapointed or u expect that he will say no, becuase msot guys aren't goin 2 laugh if there really friends and if a girl wrote me a letter like that I would think wow that was strange, and she msut really like me, it's better just to let him know u like him, thatn 2 sound like u can' stop loving him...don't put all your emotions on one sleeve, go with him 4 a litle bit be4 u let him know how u truly feel|||i think you should do what u want as if the guy can't see sense maybe it wasn't the one.i don't know about .that what it would be .that sound a bit of an inflated ego.personally i don't know if he would be all for self centered me.but don't let that put you off as i think you should just go for your gut intincts.i think you just do it as i don't want to put this or that in your head as only decisions made by you will be the best,i do like the one to jess though i would like know there is going to be so many diffrent answer it would blow my mind.that's why it not always best to question your own judgement.why would cd be wrong.people give people music so why would that be wrong.people give people cards at xmas so music

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