Saturday, November 12, 2011


LOL j/k.


1. whats ur favorite band? (Evanescence)

2.What are you listening to right now, or earlier today? (Lacrymosa by Evanescence, right now)

3.Who's ur most hated actor? Fave? ( Hilary Duff, David Caruso)

4.What did you eat today? ( Cocoa Puffs...all day!)

5.Whats ur fave music style? (Goth/rock)

6.Fave type of clothes to wear? (Goth)

7.What type of person do you think I am?|||Led Zeppelin or Rain Parade

Carla Bruni

Kirsten Stewart

cereal! i could eat it anytime

Any rock is good

I like to dress good and look good. Some might say grunge, rock sheek. or just fabulous haha

you sound pretty cool, i could hang with ya|||1. In rock, Poco.

2. "Shallow Hearts" by Sassafras.

3. Dabney Coleman. It's not that I really hate HIM, it's just that he ALWAYS plays the exact same arrogant jerk in EVERYTHING he does. One character, 500 movies. Play a sensitive guy for a change, Dabney!

4. Chicken and ice cream.

5. Hillbilly (I say this lest anyone mistake what I like for that lame pop garbage they're calling "country" today).

6. Warm weather clothes, hope I get to wear them soon!

7. Probably insane after being trapped in a room with a smurf!|||oh no, not a smurf!

1. Joy Division

2. State Street Residential by Death Cab for Cutie.

3. Hated: Nicholas Cage, he just pisses me off, i don't know why. Loved: Zooey Deshanel, Cillian Murphy

4. hm... i had spaghetti sauce on various food items throughout the day. I had it on spaghetti for breakfast, on toast for lunch, and on potatoes for dinner with tofu. Such is the life of a vegan.

5. indie rock, punk, and post-punk

6. Vintage. Clothes that I sew. Lots of grey and black. idk.

7. I think your a goth person who doesn't like smurfs.|||1. Radiohead, but right now I'm in a Clash mood.

2. The Clash and X mostly. And the Pixies

3. Adam Sandler. asdhaslkf not funny at all.

4. Not much, I ingested a germ today and seem to have fallen ill.

5. everything? everyone says they listen to everything, i guess i really don't

6. nice looking ones for summer with small florals and cute practical shoes

7. someone who needs to cut down on the cocoa puffs|||1. whats ur favorite band? The Who

2.What are you listening to right now, or earlier today? The album is Moving Pictures by Rush

3. Who's your most hated actor? Fave? Hated: Anybody from the Twilight series, Favorite: Robert De Niro

4.What did you eat today? I had french toast for breakfast

5.Whats ur fave music style? Classic Rock

6.Fave type of clothes to wear? T-shirt and shorts (regardless of how cold it gets in New England)

7.What type of person do you think I am? Goth|||I'm trapped in a room with Justin Weiner! D:

1. Currently, Wintersun, Weezer, and The Velvet Underground

2. Now Playing: Pagan Fears - Mayhem

3. That ones that can't act.

4. Some asian dish my mom made.

5. Hard rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Doom Metal, Grunge, Black Metal etc.

6. Whatever clothes......

7. I truly belive you are a Happy Goth farmer from Jupiter.|||1. whats ur favorite band? (Evanescence)

2.What are you listening to right now, or earlier today? Glitter in the Air - P!nk

3.Who's ur most hated actor? Fave? Tom Cruise, Queen Latifa

4.What did you eat today? Flammin' hot cheetos!

5.Whats ur fave music style? Pop/Rock

6.Fave type of clothes to wear? Aero/Arizona

7.What type of person do you think I am? Attention Whore.|||1.Motley Crue

2.Nirvana - "Rape Me"

3.Miley Cyrus. Fave - Paul Walker

4.Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes

5.Grunge, Metal, Hair Metal, Glam, Classic Rock, Punk.

6.Band T - Shirts and jeans.

7.I dont know, i dont know you.|||lol, alright then.

1) Manic Street Preachers

2) "Shadowplay" - Joy Division

3) Hated: Ben Affleck, Favorite: Cate Blanchett

4) Food

5) Post-Punk and Alternative rock

6) Vintage stuff that I customise myself

7) I'm going to guess Goth, not sure why.|||Cover it in red paint then.

1. New York Dolls

2. Back to Mystery City-Hanoi Rocks

3. Hated: Milkey Cyrus (just for you GESM); Favourite: Vincent Price right now


5. Glam or punk. Or David Bowie; he's a genre.

6. Ehh, all sorts. I like dresses and then also vintagey things

7. Someone who abbreviates "your"|||1. The Misfits

2. It Ain't Easy-David Bowie

3. Miley Cyrus/Morgan Freeman

4.....Top Ramen noodles and grapes..So healthy..

5. Punk/Hardcore Punk

6. Normal?

7. Goth...You've made it kinda clear XD also I would think your friendly and a wee bit random..A friendly random goth|||1. Aerosmith

2. Black Dog by Led Zeppelin

3. Don't have a most hated, but I like Tom Hanks

4. Chicken at Benihana's =D

5. Classical and hard rock

6. Casual (Jeans/ shorts, T-Shirts)

7. Gothic? xD|||1. Opeth

2. Ayreon - The Human Equation

3. Don't have either

4. Not much

5. Metal/Prog Rock

6. Clothes

7. Don't know, don't care|||1. Journey

2. Dont Stop Believen' by Journey

3. Robert Pattison. Kiefer Sutherland

4. Spaghetti

5. rock and roll

6. funny t-shirts and jeans

7. u: emo me: funny high school dude|||1.Black Sabbath

2.Nightfall by Blind Guardian

3.Miley Cyrus,Meryl Streep

4.I had a breaded chicken sandwich for dinner


6.Band shirts and jeans

7.I can't make that call just yet|||1. whats ur favorite band? It should be you're no "ur" and I don't have a favorite I like too much music and not just bands either but I guess I'll say The b-52's... or The Police no The Clash no The Stray Cats, The Ramones, Blondie, The Smiths, Yazoo, The Cars, Transvision Vamp, ABC... (I'm on an 80s "New Wave" binge)...

2.What are you listening to right now, or earlier today? The Passenger - Siouxsie And The Banshees

3.Who's ur most hated actor? Fave? I hate hmm... by picking Miley Cyrus you are saying you think she is an actress how disgusting (though I do loathe her and the sexist Sprouse Twins) ... my favorite is probably Kathrine Hepburn but for looks I'll go with Rita Hayworth or Barbara Stanwyck and somebody mention Vincent Price so now I'm all in a Vincent Mood where is the Pit and the Pendulum when you need it?! I suppose I could settle for the House of Wax or the Tingler or The Masque of the Red Death...

4.What did you eat today? Homemade butternut squash soup and homemade white chicken chili

5.Whats ur fave music style? Umm... anything but what has been on the billboard 100 charts in the last te10 years plus most rap/hip-hop and popular country. But mostly stuff pre 1995 (It is just better)

6.Fave type of clothes to wear? Anything tight and with bright colors because a child of the 80s neon NEw Wave is always a child of the 80s neon New Wave.

7.What type of person do you think I am? A girl in middle or high school

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