Saturday, November 12, 2011

What celebrity should Cerberus the Three Headed Demon Dog from Greek Mythology chase down the street?

This is just humor folks pick one


Rosie O'Donnell

Hilary Duff

Carrie Underwood

Jack Black

Britney Spears

Larry The Cable Guy

John Bon Jovi


Andy Griffith

The Blue Man Group

Faith Hill


Jeff Corwin

David Hasselhoff

Dr Phil

Lindsay Lohan

Anthony Robbins

Paula Deen

Donald Trump

Howard Stern

John Boy and Billy

Other show biz person type you name.Remeber Cerberus isnt real this is just a silly question for fun|||Well since he has three heads, I would suggest he try to take on Rosie O'Donnell, but she might put up a good fight being that she eats Christian babies and is an ex matador, I think he could lose.

So in replacement of that annoying female reptilla on the View-over- here- sux, I'd say a celec for each head: Fergie, Paris, and Ryan Seacrest|||Please send Cerberus the Three Headed Demon Dog after Donald Trump. He needs the exercise.|||I asked a similar question, but I went one further and asked what celebrity you'd like to assassinate if you wouldn't get caught, and, boo hoo, someone reported me. Give me a break!! Anyway, per your list, I'd go with Rosie O'Donnel, Jon Bon Jovi, and, though he's not on your list, a definite snack in the form of Michael "the child molester" Jackson. Chomp, chomp, snarl, tear, swallow, digest, and poop into a big steaming pile of Cerberus dung!|||I agree with Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Madonna. But you forgot the ultimate slut, Pairs Hilton. Oh and Jessica and Ashley Simpson, and Nicole Ritchie. As for men I have to go with Tom Cruise.

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