Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Should Disney Channel Star's Get Tattoo's?

well i just found out that david henry from Wizard of Waverly Place got 2 tattoos and hilary duff got a tattoo. so do you think disney channel stars should get tattoos?|||Let me ask you, do you really think that disney channel has that much power over a Hilary Duff whom has not been on disney in years?? Also, David Henry is of age so does it matter?

Many teens in real life have tattoos, so why can't a teen on tv have one? I really dis-like disney for the fact that they seem to not keep it real on their shows. Like where the heck is the prego chick in HSM? Like really what high school do you know of that doesn't have at least one prego chick. Also where are the pot heads in the shows on disney? I can't go any where in my town with out seeing one. I also dislike how on shows like Hannah Montanna, where is the sneakin out to go to parties?|||Yes. Tattoos are not bad or corrupting in any way. In the 1950's a lot of people assumed seeing Afro-Caribbean people on TV would be bad for children but as time has changed that opinion.

Many of the oldest preserved human remains (Egyptian, Incan, and Oriental mummies along with the famous Otzi ice mummy) have tattoos. Tattoos are something which humans have done for thousands of years and are normally an aesthetic rather than a moral decision.

To sum up I think the Disney channel should show tattoos because prejudice is bad.|||Hilary Duff hasn't been on Disney in years. No idea who the first kid you mentioned is, but if they're not visible or just kid friendly enough, it shouldn't matter. Something tells me Disney doesn't have the same view, though. Their standpoint is probably tattoos = bad. Same with piercings.|||If their of age, and the tattoo isn't offensive or in an obnoxious, obvious place (like their forehead or hands), they should be able to do as they please.|||I think it's up to them and Disney Channel if it's ok.|||who cares, their regular people let them do what they want.

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